women in the music industry
by Adèle & Cec
We must continue to denounce over and over again the current situation to be finally heard and understood by everyone. We have to stand for our existence and presence in the whole music world. We need to keep going helping each other as women to improve our conditions and defend and reach our rights. Creating discussion groups and sororities in the structures that are concerned can be a fundamental step and enhance our power. We have to redefine the functioning of the industry to overthrow the male-dominance.
In the long term, the most effective solution remains education.
Educate little boys and little girls fairly. Erase the clichés that men are physically stronger, have a more scientific mind. Stop making girls believe they are more sensitive and naive. Children must be shown that they have a choice between preferring to embroider or carpentry, whatever their gender. We could perhaps hope to see in a few generations a real mix in the trades.